2012年11月11日 星期日

Welcome to the Grand Square International

          One World-One Dance program

歡迎參加Grand Square International
主辦的 One World-One Dance的活動

 As you visit clubs, collect signatures, and achieve the various levels you will be making new friends around the world and helping us make Square dancing a truly world wide source of fun and fellowship.
當你拜訪各社團收集簽名, 同時完成各種階段, 你將結交全球各地新朋友,

 Kim Curlee,
                                                        Grand Square International


How the program works!詳列活動辦法

There are several levels in our program


25 clubs in 2 countries         25社團在2個國家

50 clubs in 4 countries         50社團在4個國家

100 Clubs in 6 countries    100社團在6個國家

200 clubs in 8 countries     200社團在8個國家

300 clubs in 10 countries   300社團在10個國家

400 clubs in 12 countries   400社團在12個國家

500 clubs in 14 countries    500社團在 14個國家

1. At each club you visit be sure to enter the date, country, and club name in this book. Also be sure to collect a signature from a club representative
當你拜訪每個社團時務必在簽名冊內載明日期, 國家 和社團名稱

2. After collecting 25 signatures in at least two different countries you will be eligible to order a GSI One World-One Dance badge. As you progress through the levels you will be able to order a dangle for each level to add to your badge. This continues up to 400 clubs in 12 different countries
當你收集25個簽名在至少2個不同國家才有資格獲得一個GSI " One    
Word-One dance" 徽章¸ 當你繼續收集每達到一級即可獲得一個垂飾  
掛在徽章上. 最高達到400社團在12個國家

3. Any dancer who achieves 500 clubs in 14 countries will receive a special gold badge and an award.  These will be presented by a GSI representative at one of our events.
何舞者當你完成 500社團在 14個國家時, 可獲得一個特製金徽章
和獎品, 將由當地GSI代表於方塊舞活動中頒發

4. For the first two levels we will accept your word that you have actually made the visits.  For 100 clubs or more you will need to send in your book for us to verify that all the requirements are met for that level.
在第一, 二級只要口頭告知,你確實已達到拜訪數量的要求, 但是100 
社團與以上等級則需將你的簽名冊交給我們, 以確認你有達到我 

Send your book to:簽名冊送交至:

USA- Lee & Barbi Ashwill

Japan - Masaharu Hiraga

Europe (including Sweden and the United Kingdom) - Walt Burr

Taiwan - Jennie Wang

Canada - Jerry Jestin


For those dancers who have European Association of American Square Dance Clubs (EAASDC) "Friendship" books.  We will gladly accept the signatures in those books towards a GSI One World-One Dance award
至於已擁有European Association of American Square Dance Clubs (EAASDC) "Friendship"簽名冊, 我們很樂意接受原有的簽名冊做為
GSI One World-One Dancer獎勵